Rules & Regulation


College Rules & Regulation

Institute Rules:

Objective behind these rules is to create academic ambience conducive to learning and holistic growth and development of students:

General Rules:

  1. An identity card will be issued to all students after admission and it is the duty of the student to keep it with him/her. If any student losses the identity card a new one will be issued on payment of Rs. 100/-.
  2. Students are not permitted to receive presents or money from the hospital patients, nor are they permitted to give presents to members of the staff, individually.
  3. Use Of alcoholic beverages, any lethal weapons, Gambling & smoking strictly prohibited.
  4. Fee due for the session will have to be deposited at the beginning of the respective session.
  5. No student is allowed to leave the college campus during the college hours without permission of the concerned authority.
  6. The decision of Chairman/Principal in any matter will be final & binding. The governing body of the institute reserves the right to alter or add any other regulation wherever required.
  7. Every student must submit the bond/affidavit in the prescribed form within seven days from the date of admission.
  8. The college will charge full & final fee for the whole course in case the student migrate to other institution or leave the course in between.
  9. The college will be authorized to have bank guarantee/cash guarantee of the balance fee of the whole course.
  10. No student will indulge into misbehavior of any kind with his/her fellow
    students, faculty or any other staff member.
  11. Ragging is strictly forbidden and is punishable offence under law.


  1. To be eligible for taking final university examination attendance of 75% lectures in theory & practical classes separately is compulsory, otherwise candidate shall not be allowed to appear in University Examinations.
  2. Absence from class without permission in advance, except under emergency or sickness which will require documentary evidence, will be treated as serious lapse and will invite disciplinary action or fine.
  3. The office will monitor attendance of students on regular basis defaulter name will be displayed on notice board before commencement of mid term examination. Shortfall in attendance will be reported to parents/guardian on regular basis.

Please be advised that the institute has little leeway in mitigating attendance shortage.

Ragging, in any form is strictly prohibited in the campus. As per the instruction hon’ble Supreme Court ragging is a cognizable offence and it is liable foe punishment by the institute and civil authorities.

