Chairman Message

About Chairmain

            Dr. Sunil Kumar Mittal Chairman

Dr. Sunil Kumar Mittal is a well qualified & renowned Radiologist of the Aligarh. He did M.B.B.S. (1981) and M.D. (1987) in Radiology from A.M.U. Aligarh and serving the people of Aligarh & its surrounding as Radiologist by their Mittal Colour Doppler Ultrasound, Eco-Cardiography, Mammography & X-Ray Scan Center.

Having a long history of serving humanity, Ayurveda which is still contributing in health management has been accepted in many countries across the world. Ayurveda courses are popular even in Austria and Germany. Medical profession stands first among others in serving the society and enjoys very high respect and offers progressive future

Indigenous systems of medicine like Ayurveda and Siddha are accepted world wide as an alternative systems of medicine serving people because of their amicability in approach. Indigenous systems do not usually incur much expenditure on the tools of diagnosis but offer gunshot cure in case such as Gastric Ulcers and offer better management in life style disorders like diabetes. Now-a-days all the countries globally are looking into the usage of herbs and non pharmacological approaches like Yoga, Panchakarma etc.. in tackling health problems. Another system, which emerged in the 18th century has revived the art of cure is Homoeopathy, which is slowly gaining popularity in eastern countries. No wonder, people say homoeopathy is the only system for warts, corns and other chronic diseases

The aim of this College is to produce graduates of profound scholarship having in depth scientific knowledge of ayurveda in accordance with the ayurvedic fundamentals associated with extensive practical training, who would be efficient teachers, research workers, Kayachikitaka (Physician) and Shalya Chikitsa (Surgery) with the sole object of reviving and developing the Indian System of Medicine.
